GDLD-313IR SF6 Gas Leak Detector
GDLD-313IR SF6 Gas Leak Detector is updated model, which is infrared red type leak detector (NDIR technology). It is LCD display and real-time shows SF6 concentration. It rapidly detects SF6 breaker, GIS leakage point and yearly leakage rate qualitatively and quantitatively. It’s a good device suitable for power supply department, installation and overhaul unit, power test institute.
The smart quick intelligent test system is used, the software registering number 1010215, trademark registering number 14684781.
GDWG-IV SF6 Gas Leak Detector(IR Series)
GDWG-IV SF6 Gas Leak Detector is infrared red type leak detector(NDIR technology). It is color OLED display and real-time shows SF6 concentration.
GDWG-V SF6 Gas Leak Detector (IR type, Double display)
GDWG-V SF6 Gas Leak Detector is infrared red type leak detector (NDIR technology) with double display. It is color INCELL TFT display and real-time shows SF6 concentration.
GLF-314 SF6 Gas Infrared Imaging Leak Detector
The SF6 infrared imaging leak detector is a non-contact gas imaging leak detection device that can detect possible gas leaks at several meters or tens of meters. It can quickly scan a large detection area and accurately find leaks in real time.
The gas detection thermal imager can detect the leakage or unorganized emission of organic volatiles, and still has good performance even for very small gas leakage.
The use of gas leakage detection is an efficient and reliable solution, which can detect the leakage of natural gas products in various links such as transportation, storage and production, so as to maximize safety and save costs.
GDIR-1000L SF6 Gas Infrared Imaging Leak Detector
GDIR-1000L SF6 Gas Infrared Imaging Leak Detector is a highly technical instrument which is independently developed by our company and has independent intellectual property rights.
GDWG-III SF6 Gas Leakage Detector
GDWG-III SF6 gas leakage detector, with non-dispersed infrared (NDIR) technology, is mainly used to pinpoint and measure SF6 leakage on GIS and refilling equipment within power industry.